YPL Member Spotlight: Will Godwin

November 9, 2022

Please welcome new YPL member Will Godwin! Will is a Client Advisor at Sterling Seacrest Partners.

What inspired you to become involved with Young Professionals Leaders?

After living in Atlanta for four years and becoming familiar with community around me, I wanted to support and serve an organization like United Way that provides solutions on issues affecting child, family, and community well-being. I was sold after attending a Saturday of Service and experiencing the mission on display.

What aspect of United Way’s work in the community are you most passionate about supporting?

I am most passionate about child well-being, particularly United Way’s Strong Learners program. It’s very important that all children have access to learning and quality learning experiences.

Do you have fun fact or a side hustle (entrepreneurship) that you would like to share with us?

This one is not so fun for me: I broke my left collar bone twice before the age of nine.

On a brighter note, I got engaged last week!

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