United Way’s MyFreeTaxes offers people an easy way to file their returns.
Many U.S. taxpayers are eligible to file their taxes for free – but too many don’t know about MyFreeTaxes®. MyFreeTaxes uses best-in-class standards to safeguard taxpayer information, guarantee returns are 100% accurate and ensure that filers receive their maximum refund.
MyFreeTaxes is the only free, national, online tax preparation service offered by a nonprofit, because United Way of Greater Atlanta is committed to ensuring that people in our communities receive the refunds they deserve. Tax help is available if needed from an IRS-certified Volunteer.
Visit MyFreeTaxes.com from your smartphone, tablet or computer to start filing today.
Watch the video to learn more.
Tax Tips
- View our checklist to see all documents required to file your taxes. If you are missing a document, follow the links in the checklist to obtain a copy.
- Review the IRS’s Child Tax Credit FAQs