Appreciation for our outgoing Tocqueville Chair Tricia Holder

June 18, 2024

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Tricia Holder, our outgoing Chair, for her transformative leadership over the past two years and her unwavering dedication to the United Way of Greater Atlanta and the Tocqueville Society. We would like to underscore some of the significant milestones that Tricia Holder has spearheaded during her tenure.

Tricia, Will you share your favorite moments from your time as Tocqueville Society Chair?

My favorite events are the Tocqueville Time Together or T3’s, where we bring together funded community partners and an expert from United Way to share what they were doing together in the community about the un-housed, food scarcity, non-profit capacity building, or early childhood education. Each time we get together, I have an ‘aha’ about our incredible work in the 13 county regions. These sessions also helped me feel the mission profoundly, engage more emotionally in the work, and raise my giving and commitment to the United Way of Greater Atlanta.

What is your “Why”?

My why is learning more about the Child Well-Being Index and how United Way of Greater Atlanta measures children’s and our community’s well-being. I know deeply that my giving is directed to the places with the greatest need and that the interventions I fund change the opportunities for children and families and strengthen our community.

What are you excited about for the future of the Tocqueville Society?

We are eagerly working towards reimagining our approach to giving and involving younger, emerging community leaders in our mission. We are excited to witness the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas they will bring to the table, confident that they will propel the Tocqueville Society and its Membership to new heights.

We appreciate Tricia’s leadership and the energy and creativity she has shared. She and the other leaders work daily to ensure that the Tocqueville Society and Ivan Allen Circle are a diverse group of philanthropic leaders committed to making a measurable and sustainable impact on child well-being in Greater Atlanta. Through shared experiences, commitment to mission, and charitable investments, we provide a path forward for future generations of donors.

The Tocqueville Society has driven positive change over the past few years. Here are some of the remarkable accomplishments of the Tocqueville Society, which underscore our collective commitment to making a difference in our community:

  • Average Membership – 708 members
  • Total United Way Giving – $53 million
  • Child Well-Being Mission Fund Giving – $24 million
  • Total Events – 52

The Tocqueville Society, a national organization, has made a significant impact, with its members contributing billions of dollars to support communities, families, and children. You can be part of this incredible journey and make a tangible difference in your community. If you are interested in becoming a Tocqueville Cabinet member, please email Margaret Adams We eagerly anticipate announcing our new Tocqueville Chair in the July 2024 Newsletter!

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