YPL Member Spotlight: Jonathan Hutchins

March 2, 2021

We’re excited to spotlight Jonathan Hutchins, the Strategy and Transactions Manager at EY!

What inspired you to become involved with Young Professionals Leaders?

I have always had an affinity for finding ways to give back to the community. Being able to volunteer with like-minded individuals to promote volunteerism of young professional leaders is a dream come true.

What aspect of United Way’s work in the community are you most passionate about supporting?

My passion is making sure every child and youth is college or career ready. I believe if we help equip youth and center them on a career that aligns with their strengths and passions they will succeed at what they do. I had a strong network to guide me as a young adult, but know that many do not have this. I believe as a community we can make sure that every youth has access to the right resources to succeed.

What was the turning point that made you realize the importance of giving back?

I am a firm believer that it is every generation’s responsibility to teach the next generation so they can achieve more than that generation was able to. I’ve had an affinity for learning and was surrounded by volunteerism early in my life. Once I graduated and realized I had skill sets that were needed in the community, I channeled my desire to learn into a passion for teaching the skills that I had learned.

How do you balance your professional life with giving back? How are you continuing to stay involved in the community during a pandemic?

This is a challenge we all face of finding the right balance with family, work and community. However, it comes down to being willing to sacrifice personal time out of my schedule. My work is very demanding, yet can be very flexible. So if I spend a few hours in the morning volunteering, likely I will end up working later that evening, but these are worthwhile sacrifices. A few hours out of my evening is worth it, every time, to impact the youth of tomorrow.

The pandemic has shifted my involvement into virtual volunteering, which has actually made it easier to work into my schedule.

What would you say to someone who is considering joining Young Professional Leaders?

Do it! The network of individuals at YPL are among the brightest in the city. You will be surrounded by a network of like minded individuals that are passionate about their careers and community. What are you waiting for, join YPL!

What aspects of your life motivate you to thrive and why?

I am motivated by business and finance. I channel these passions to help provide ways for me to give back into the community. I believe we are blessed to bless others. What we are given, has been given to us to give back to others in need. This can be tangible or intangible gifts. People should not feel they have nothing to give if they lack material wealth but our story and skills can be a gift to others as much, if not more than finances.

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