Give United Day

Thursday, June 6th  United Way hosts a monumental giving event dedicated to shaping a brighter future for our city’s children. We invite you to join us for an epic day-to-night celebration of giving back.

Join us

United Way of Greater Atlanta is committed to ensuring that every child in our community has access to the opportunities they deserve. Right now, nearly 500,000 children live in areas of high need, where measures of child well-being are significantly lower than their neighbors’. This Give United Day, we’re calling on you to stand with us and give United Way your zip code.

Special thanks to our sponsors and two anonymous donors for matching every gift for Give United Day

united way grant

Advocate United

Start a Give United Fundraiser to support Child Well-Being and earn swag!

Our idea is that the zip code where you live shouldn’t matter to how well prepared you are for school, how you succeed in school and how you succeed in life.

Milton J. Little, Jr.
President & CEO United Way of Greater Atlanta

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