Dynamic Assessment Process Evaluator: Help find the next Posse Scholars!

We are seeking volunteer evaluators to help identify young leaders who might be missed by traditional admissions criteria.


Friday, August 11
 – Friday, August 18
3:00 to 9:00 pm, Monday - Friday

Project type


Project Details

Community served
College Students & Young Adults

Posse is a four year, full-tuition, merit-based leadership scholarship and program for high school students who may be overlooked by the traditional college admissions process, who represent diversity of background and experience, and who are ready to truly develop their leadership skills. The Posse program sends students in teams of ten to one of our partner institutions so they can support one another.

The Dynamic Assessment Process (DAP) is Posse’s unique evaluation method for identifying young leaders who might be missed by traditional admissions criteria, but who can excel at selective colleges and universities. The Large Group Interview (DAP 1) is one of the most exciting pieces of the DAP selection process. This interview involves students in a series of interactive workshops, giving them an opportunity to showcase their leadership and communication skills.

Through observation, Posse staff and volunteer evaluators watch for interpersonal talents indicative of a student’s potential to succeed in college and work well within a diverse team. Volunteer evaluators are looking for what we call “standout” students, i.e., students who are great communicators, work well in teams or with their peers, can resolve conflict and lead discussions, who are positive, creative and catch your attention. DAP 1 sessions will take place from approximately 3-9pm, Monday-Friday, August 11-18. Volunteers can sign up for one or multiple sessions. Volunteers must be college graduates and willing to attend a volunteer training session. If interested, please contact atlanta@possefoundation.org.

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