Join me in making a real difference.

By providing young individuals with the tools, guidance, and support they need to thrive, we’re breaking down barriers, creating pathways to success, and ensuring that they have access to positive adult influences every step of the way.

YPL Member Spotlight: Jessica Gibbs

“Increasing access to early learning provide students with more equitable educational experiences that can set them up for success when they enter in school.”

LINC Member Spotlight: Nigel Walton

“I wanted to serve and connect with people who were my age and who were trying to make a significant impact in the Greater Atlanta area.”

AAP Member Spotlight Jason L. Brown

“My desire to give back to young people in communities that may have a need for greater resources is something I’ve been a part of for most of my adult life. Moving to Atlanta and learning about AAP made me excited to have a chance to join the team.”

YPL Member Spotlight: Will Godwin

“After living in Atlanta for four years and becoming familiar with community around me, I wanted to support and serve an organization like United Way that provides solutions on issues affecting child, family, and community well-being.”

YPL Member Spotlight: Genevieve Boyle

“Atlanta is a huge city with many worthy causes, so I decided to join Young Professionals Leaders because I was looking for a way to use my skills to support causes that align with my values.”

Tocqueville Society Member Spotlight: Margaret Graff & Richard Higgins

“Our main focus with United Way has been reducing Atlanta homelessness, most recently through the Motel-to-Home initiative. Here we are helping households that are in a fragile situation—one nudge could drive them into homelessness or raise them into stable housing.  We love being able to help at this critical time in their lives.”

YPL New Member Spotlight: Markethia McDonald

“I decided to get involved with YPL to connect with like-minded young professionals who are passionate about community service, philanthropy, and networking. As a young professional, I feel that it is important to give back time and resources to the community that I live in so that those without the same resources can also flourish.”

Tocqueville Society Member Spotlight: Oko Buckle

“During my first giving campaign, I learned United Way partnered with Catholic Relief Services. After learning this, I was even more inspired to give and grow my partnership with United Way because it supported an organization that I am extremely passionate about.”

It's Give United Day!

Today your donation goes further with a dollar-for-dollar match up to $100,000 from generous friends including KMPG and PwC.